Search Results for: department of transportation

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Department of Transportation

Jul 25, 2011

Ed Hassinger, Director

Department of Transportation
105 West Capitol Avenue
P.O. Box 270
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102

The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is governed by the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission, a six-member board that governs the Missouri Department of Transportation. Commission members are appointed for a six-year term by the governor and are confirmed by the Missouri Senate. No more than three commission members may be of the same political party.

MoDOT’s Director and Secretary to the commission are appointed by the commission. The Director is responsible for all other employee appointments and hirings. The Director oversees MoDOT’s Executive Team and Deputy Director and Chief Engineer, who is the department’s primary advisor on engineering issues and provides input on overall department decisions. The Commission Secretary is appointed by, and answers to, the commission and is responsible for maintaining records of all proceedings of the commission and serves as the custodian of all records, documents and papers filed with the commission and the department. The Chief Counsel provides legal support for the commission and the department.

The Audits and Investigations Division conducts audits of department operations and external contracts and investigates fraud, waste, and abuse. The Governmental Relations Division acts as MoDOT’s liaison between the Missouri Congressional Delegation, the Missouri General Assembly, and local political subdivisions. The division analyzes proposed transportation-related legislation, providing support or options for improving the legislative proposals and public policies impacting the traveling public. Both the Audits and Investigations and Governmental Relations divisions are overseen by the Director.

MoDOT employees are organized into divisions. Each division falls under one of four sections, led by a member of the Executive Team:

Safety and Operations

The Chief Safety and Operations Officer provides oversight to the department’s safety and operations functions. This position oversees the Maintenance, Highway Safety and Traffic, Motor Carrier Services and Safety and Emergency Management divisions.

Program Delivery

The Assistant Chief Engineer is responsible for the Program Delivery section, providing leadership and oversight to the department’s technical engineering functions. This position oversees the Design, Bridge, Transportation Planning, Construction and Materials, Multimodal and External Civil Rights divisions.


The Chief Financial Officer provides leadership and oversight to the department’s accounting, finance, fleet, facilities, procurement, and information systems functions. As such, this position oversees the Financial Services, General Services, and Information Systems divisions.


The Chief Administrative Officer provides leadership and oversight to the department’s administrative business functions, overseeing the Communications, Human Resources and Equal Opportunity and Diversity divisions, as well as the Employee Health and Wellness Unit.

MoDOT consists of approximately 4,600 employees who are responsible for the seventh-largest highway system in the nation – nearly 34,000 miles. The department also helps develop and improve airports, rail facilities, waterways, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities statewide. Decisions are made concerning highway location, design, construction, and maintenance.

For roadway development and maintenance, Missouri is divided into seven geographical districts. Each district is led by a District Engineer, who reports to the Director and Deputy Director and Chief Engineer. The MoDOT Central Office is located in Jefferson City.

Transportation & Roads

Jul 26, 2011

Traffic & Road Conditions

MoDOT E-Updates - Subscribe to notifications for road closings, construction projects, accidents and more.

Get real-time traffic and updates for Missouri locations.

Safe Driving

Safety is the Missouri Department of Transportation’s (MoDOT) first priority. Further information on traffic volumes, bicycle and pedestrian information, motor carrier issues, accident statistics and even legislative topics can be found at MoDOT’s Safety Page.

Report an Unsafe Driver

Learn how to report an unsafe driver in Missouri.

Arrive Alive - Get safe driving tips and learn how you can get involved with Missouri's safe driving campaign

Pay a Speeding Ticket

Learn how to pay a speeding ticket or other driving violations online.

Boating & Water Safety

For information on boating and water safety, visit the Water Patrol website.


You must report accidents that happen in Missouri to the Driver License Bureau if:

  • The accident happened less than one year ago,
  • The accident involved an uninsured motorist, AND
  • The accident caused property damage costing more than $500, or someone was injured or killed.

You can report an accident by downloading the Motor Vehicle Accident Report form.

Additional Accident Resources


federal government

Federal Government

Sep 09, 2011

Legislative Branch

Seal of the United States Congress

The United States Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government. Congress is composed of two chambers, the House of Representatives and the Senate, and is responsible for making laws.


The Senate is made up of two senators from each state, regardless of population. There are 100 senators (two from each of the 50 states), who each serve six-year terms. Approximately one third of the Senate stands for election every two years.

Missouri’s U.S. Senators

Josh Hawley
B40A Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-6154
Eric Schmitt
260 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-5721

U.S. House of Representatives

The House of Representatives consists of 435 voting members, each of whom represents a congressional district. Find your district and representative.

The number of representatives each state has in the House is based on each state’s population as determined in the most recent United States Census. All 435 representatives serve a two-year term.

Missouri’s U.S. Representatives

Cori Bush 202-225-2406
Ann Wagner 202-225-1621
Blaine Luetkemeyer 202-225-2671
Eric Burlison 202-225-6536
Mark Alford 202-225-2876
Emanuel Cleaver 202-225-4535
Sam Graves 202-225-7041
Jason Smith 202-225-4404

Executive Branch

Seal of the President of the United States of America

The power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. The President is responsible for executing laws created by Congress, is elected to office every four years and cannot serve more than two terms.

Vice President
The executive functions of the Vice President include participation in Cabinet meetings and, by statute, membership on the National Security Council and the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.

President’s Cabinet
The Cabinet includes the Vice President and the heads of 15 executive departments.

Boards, Commissions, and Committees
These organizations were established by congressional or Presidential action, and their functions are not limited to supporting a parent agency. Examples include the Arctic Research Commission, the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Foundation, and the Social Security Advisory Board.

Judicial Branch

Seal of the United States Supreme Court

The Judicial Branch explains and applies the laws. This branch does this by hearing and eventually making decisions on various legal cases. Where the Executive and Legislative branches are elected by the people, members of the Judicial Branch are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

U.S. Supreme Court
The Court is the highest tribunal in the Nation for all cases and controversies arising under the Constitution or the laws of the United States.

U.S. Court portal
Your portal to the judicial branch of the Federal Government. Includes educational resources, rules and policies, statistics, forms, and a court locator.

Judicial Branch information
General links to lower courts, special courts (including military courts), and support organizations. Visit the Federal Judicial Center to learn about how the courts work, how they are organized, and how they fit into the U.S. system of government.

Courts of Appeal

The 94 U.S. judicial districts are organized into 12 regional circuits, each of which has a United States court of appeals. Missouri is in the Eighth Circuit.

Missouri State Capitol

Executive Branch

Sep 06, 2011
Learn about the Executive Branch in the Missouri Guide to Government

Missouri’s Executive Branch consists of all state elective and appointive employees and is responsible for executing the laws of the state. Headed by the Governor, the Executive Branch consists of seventeen executive departments and six statewide elected officials.

Visit the websites for executive departments and officials by selecting a link below, or learn more about the structure of the Executive Branch in the Guide to Government.

Executive Departments

Elected Officials

Guide to Missouri's Government banner image

Guide to Missouri’s Government

Aug 22, 2011

Missouri’s state government is organized into three branches: the Legislative Branch, the Judicial Branch and the Executive Branch.

Within the Executive Branch are six statewide elected officials and sixteen executive departments. To learn more about Missouri’s elected officials and executive departments, please select one from the lists below.

Executive Departments

Elected Officials

Identification & Vital Records

Sep 22, 2011


Driver’s License

Find a licensing office

Learn how to obtain or renew a Missouri driver’s license, non-driver’s license or permit.

Visit our page for “Driving & Vehicles” for more information about driver’s licenses, titling and registration, automobile insurance and road conditions.

Voter Identification

Check Voter Registration

Proper identification is required to vote in Missouri.

Update your Mailing Address

Updating your address for voting

If you have moved to a different address within the same county, you are permitted to change your registration address on Election Day at your new polling place or the central polling location. If you have moved to a different county, you need to fill out a new voter registration application.


Apply for a U.S. passport

A United States passport, issued by the U.S. Department of State, is often required for Americans traveling abroad. A passport is often an acceptable form of identification.

Social Security Card

You need a Social Security number to get a job, collect Social Security benefits and receive some other government services. But you don’t often need to show your Social Security card. Do not carry your card with you. Keep it in a safe place with your other important papers.

The U.S. Social Security Administration can help you get a new or replacement social security card.

Marriage, Divorce, Birth & Death Certificates

Many Missouri residents can quickly obtain their birth, death, marriage, and divorce records at the local level. However, while there are some types of vital records available at the county level, there are other types of records that are only available from the Bureau of Vital Records in Jefferson City. For a listing of all available vital records and their availability, contact the Bureau of Vital Records.

Locally, marriage licenses can be obtained from the Recorder of Deeds Office in the county where the license was obtained. Divorce decrees can be obtained from the Circuit Clerk in the county where the divorce was granted.

How do I request a vital record?
Correct/Change Vital Records

Driving & Vehicles

Jul 29, 2011

Driver Licenses

Learn how to obtain or renew a Missouri driver license, non-driver license or permit.

Changes to the Missouri Driver License

More info about changes to the Missouri driver license…


Vehicle Titling & Registrations

Information and services related to titling and registering a motor vehicle, trailer, boat/vessel, or all-terrain vehicle.

Register for new Missouri license plates online
Personalize and reserve a Missouri license plate online

Road & Travel Conditions

Missouri Traveler Information Map - Check road conditions

Road Conditions in Other States

Tickets, Accidents & Insurance

Motor Vehicle Insurance

Missouri law requires that all motor vehicle drivers and owners maintain some type of motor vehicle liability insurance coverage.

Pay a Speeding Ticket

Learn how to pay a speeding ticket or other driving violations online.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

You must report accidents that happen in Missouri to the Driver License Bureau if:

  • The accident happened less than one year ago,
  • The accident involved an uninsured motorist, AND
  • The accident caused property damage costing more than $500, or someone was injured or killed.

Report an Unsafe Driver

Use Form 4319 (Driver Condition Report) to report a driver who may be unable to operate a motor vehicle safely and responsibly. You must have personally observed or know the information about the driver you are reporting. Learn more about reporting an unsafe driver.

Senior Health

Jul 14, 2011

Senior & Disability Services

Help from the Department of Health & Senior Services for independent living, finding an advocate, nursing homes and long-term care, and more. Browse Senior and Disability Services.

Elderly depression

Depression and its debilitating consequences can strike anyone. However, for older adults, depression can be an especially difficult problem. A range of biological, psychological and social changes may occur in older adults that place them increasingly at risk for late onset depression. Learn about elderly depression here.

Programs & Services

Elder Safety

nurse and elderly patient

Assistance Programs & Prescriptions