Department of Transportation
105 West Capitol Avenue
P.O. Box 270
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is governed by the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission, a six-member board that governs the Missouri Department of Transportation. Commission members are appointed for a six-year term by the governor and are confirmed by the Missouri Senate. No more than three commission members may be of the same political party.
MoDOT’s Director and Secretary to the commission are appointed by the commission. The Director is responsible for all other employee appointments and hirings. The Director oversees MoDOT’s Executive Team and Deputy Director and Chief Engineer, who is the department’s primary advisor on engineering issues and provides input on overall department decisions. The Commission Secretary is appointed by, and answers to, the commission and is responsible for maintaining records of all proceedings of the commission and serves as the custodian of all records, documents and papers filed with the commission and the department. The Chief Counsel provides legal support for the commission and the department.
The Audits and Investigations Division conducts audits of department operations and external contracts and investigates fraud, waste, and abuse. The Governmental Relations Division acts as MoDOT’s liaison between the Missouri Congressional Delegation, the Missouri General Assembly, and local political subdivisions. The division analyzes proposed transportation-related legislation, providing support or options for improving the legislative proposals and public policies impacting the traveling public. Both the Audits and Investigations and Governmental Relations divisions are overseen by the Director.
MoDOT employees are organized into divisions. Each division falls under one of four sections, led by a member of the Executive Team:
Safety and Operations
The Chief Safety and Operations Officer provides oversight to the department’s safety and operations functions. This position oversees the Maintenance, Highway Safety and Traffic, Motor Carrier Services and Safety and Emergency Management divisions.
Program Delivery
The Assistant Chief Engineer is responsible for the Program Delivery section, providing leadership and oversight to the department’s technical engineering functions. This position oversees the Design, Bridge, Transportation Planning, Construction and Materials, Multimodal and External Civil Rights divisions.
The Chief Financial Officer provides leadership and oversight to the department’s accounting, finance, fleet, facilities, procurement, and information systems functions. As such, this position oversees the Financial Services, General Services, and Information Systems divisions.
The Chief Administrative Officer provides leadership and oversight to the department’s administrative business functions, overseeing the Communications, Human Resources and Equal Opportunity and Diversity divisions, as well as the Employee Health and Wellness Unit.
MoDOT consists of approximately 4,600 employees who are responsible for the seventh-largest highway system in the nation – nearly 34,000 miles. The department also helps develop and improve airports, rail facilities, waterways, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities statewide. Decisions are made concerning highway location, design, construction, and maintenance.
For roadway development and maintenance, Missouri is divided into seven geographical districts. Each district is led by a District Engineer, who reports to the Director and Deputy Director and Chief Engineer. The MoDOT Central Office is located in Jefferson City.